Preface 2nd edition

It is hard to imagine that it has been over 10 years since this atlas was published on a CD-ROM. Over the years, people from around the world have used it and we have received positive feedback. A decision to update the atlas was made, leading to several microscopic images being replaced by better images. Though extensive revision of the text has not been done, some areas have been revised as needed. A quiz has been created for each chapter by Dr. Mahalingam.

The key change is that this atlas is being made available online for anyone to learn or review dermatopathology, or aid in diagnosing skin lesions. This atlas will help prepare for examination in dermatopathology and dermatology, especially when one uses the quiz following review of the atlas.

To provide and promote use of this atlas worldwide, the online version is being offered without any cost. There will be a nominal cost to download images and take the quiz, which will help to support and maintain the online version. A blog has also been created through which users can send comments and photos, so that the atlas can be updated regularly. It is our hope that this atlas will continue to prove to be a useful learning tool both for students and for practitioners of dermatopathology.

Jag Bhawan, MD